Tools symbol (Browser toolbar)

In the browser toolbar you will find the symbol Tools. If you click on that command a menu with various commands will be called up:

What's related
Click on this command if you want to see links related to the subject of the website currently shown in the browser.

Reciprocal links
Click on this command if you want to see which links refer to the website currently shown.

Web Archive
Click on this command to see an older version of the website presently shown.

WHOIS Information
With this command, you can call up information on how to contact the people responsible for this website (webmaster etc.)

With this command, websites in foreign languages will be translated automatically into English or German.

Find in website
With this command you can search for your search term in the whole website.

Find in webpage
If you click on this command, the window "Search" will be called up. Here you can enter any search term to be found in the website presently shown. If found, the respective term will be highlighted by a blue background.

Save webpage
With this command you can save the website presently shown. The window "Save website" will be opened. Here, you can select the folder where you want the website to be saved. Verify your entries with the key "Save".

Open in browser
Click on this command if you want to call up a website that not in the integrated BINGOOO browser but in an external browser.

Open in new browser
With this command, you can open another website in an external browser.

View source
With this command, you can open another website in another external browser..

Browser options
With this command, you open a diaolog to make further settings for your internet connection.

Disable images
With this command, you can hide pictures and graphics of a website that is currently shown in the embedded browser.

You can find further information under:

Browser toolbar
Dialogue Internet options
How to use Web-Archive